Marko Ceric

Marko Ceric

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Notify all threads.

Nov 7 2008 2:09 AM

I did an example of my threading. The problem is, that the while loop is using 100% of cpu. Is there any another way to do that?
The notify has to be statical.

My code:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
   class ThreadingExample

        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("main thread starting worker thread...");
            test a = new test(1);
            test b = new test(2);
            test c = new test(3);
            Thread t = new Thread(;
            Thread tb = new Thread(;
            Thread tc = new Thread(;

            Console.WriteLine("main thrad sleeping for 1 second...");

            Console.WriteLine("main thread signaling worker thread...2");
              Console.WriteLine("main thread signaling worker thread...1");            

    class test
        private int i;
        static int who;
        static bool free;
        private int pwho;
        public test(int j)
        public void work()
            Console.WriteLine("    waiting on event... {0}",i);                        
            while(pwho != i)
                //do nothing just waiting
                pwho = who;
                free = false;
                Console.WriteLine("   worker thread reactivated, now exiting...{0}",i);
        static public void notify(int w)
            free = true;
            who = w;


Answers (2)