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Not Taking the Distinct value

May 14 2019 12:26 AM
select distinct HHU.FirstName, HHU.LastName , HHU.Email as UserEmail, HHU.Created as UserCreateDate, HHU.LastLogin , HHR.JobTitle as ResumeTitle, hhr.did,hhr.Created as ResumeCreatedDate,reh.EndDateText as LastTitleEndDate,kd.ONet17 as Onet
from SiteData.hhtvuser HHU
inner join ResumeData.hhresume HHR on HHR.UserDID = HHU.DID
inner join ResumeData.ResumeEmploymentHistory reh on HHR.DID = reh.ResumeDID
inner join knowledgediscovery.resumeevidence kd on HHR.DID = kd.resumedid
where HHU.ClassList like '%RPSW%' AND hhu.created>= '2019-04-01' order by reh.enddatetext desc limit 1000000
I want that resume did should be distinct along with all distinct.How can i do it. This query retuen no distinct value 

Answers (2)