C# Console Application
I am using SerialPort class to send/receive message using serial prot communication. Currently I am using Virtual COM Port software to create virtual COM ports in my machine.
What I wanted to achive like follwing:
If I send : Hello Then I should receive: Hello
I am not able to receive same messge. It is decode into some random any alphabets or special characters.
Instead of Hello I am getting Hiiii or H..... or H@@@@. I sending any random chars
You may see the result in the follwing screenshot. Here I am sending Hello but receiving some different chars.
//# Configuration serialPort = new SerialPort() { PortName = "COM1", ReadTimeout = 1500, BaudRate = 9600, DataBits = 8, StopBits = StopBits.One, Parity = Parity.None, Handshake = configuration.Handshake, DtrEnable = true, //Default is false RtsEnable = true, //Default is false NewLine = Environment.NewLine, //Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; }; //Add Event Listener serialPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(Barcode_Received); if (!serialPort.IsOpen) { serialPort.Open(); } Console.WriteLine("Connection Established!"); Console.ReadLine(); serialPort.Close();
private void Barcode_Received(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { //#Reading barcode data which is comming from Instrument/Device/Beckman var serialPort = (SerialPort)sender; string data = serialPort.ReadExisting(); }
I ahve also tried serialPort.Read(...) instead of ReadExisting() but provides same data