Himanshu Tyagi

Himanshu Tyagi

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No overload for method 'createassociateemailbody' takes 2 ar

May 19 2018 1:49 AM
string strAssociateBody = this.createAssociateEmailBody(lblClientName.Text, lblPhoneNo.Text, strFinalAddress, dblAssociatePrice);
this.createAssociateEmailBody("New Order from Associate Clients!", strAssociateBody);
i am getting error on
this.createAssociateEmailBody("New Order from Associate Clients!", strAssociateBody);
while i have passed all variables...
private string createAssociateEmailBody(string strUserName, string strPhoneNo, string strAddress, double dblAssociatePrice)
StringBuilder strAdd = new StringBuilder();
strAdd.Append(lblFinalAddressUserName.Text + ",");
strAdd.Append(lblFinalAddressFlatNo.Text + ",");
strAdd.Append(lblFinalAddresLandmark.Text + ",");
strAdd.Append(lblFinalCity.Text + ",");
string strFinalAddress = strAdd.ToString();
string strBody = string.Empty;
//using streamreader for reading my htmltemplate
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("~/Forms/Email.html")))
strBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
strBody = strBody.Replace("{UserName}", strUserName); //replacing the required things
strBody = strBody.Replace("{PhoneNo}", strPhoneNo);
strBody = strBody.Replace("{Address}", strAddress);
strBody = strBody.Replace("{AssociateTotal}", dblAssociatePrice.ToString());
return strBody;

Answers (2)