New biography uplifts downtrodden

Jan 20 2005 10:19 AM
In TRUE lifestory, [Arlyne Lucille: Heavenly Heights], A.L. Warner shares what happens when absentee parenting is present, and the vast number of land mines such a voidance creates. Arlyne was age 13, when abandoned on the streets of Buffalo, NY. In pursuit of help, she panickingly enters a bikers' hangout. Following gang-rape, her unconscious body is dumped on the doorstep of a girls' shelter. Next morning she's abducted and held captive by two drug dealers. Hereon, life is an adventurous roller coaster ride. ISBN# 0-7414-1803-7 is at 877-289-2665 and major online stores. Book excerpts are viewable on Bonnie and Bill Homepage, Arlyne Lucille -

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