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new and base

Jan 15 2012 5:00 AM
Following example is provided to demonstrate Accessing Superclass Methods from a Subclass. Before new key word is use to hide the subclass method then base keyword is used to access the superclass method.

There are two questions:

-I wish to know whether it is necessary to hide superclass method every time when accessing superclass methods from a subclass.

-It seems paradox because hiding and accessing happening at the same time. If you hide how can access it.

using System;
public class BankLoan //Note: BankLoan class is created but object is not instantiated
private int loanNumber;
private string lastName;
protected double loanAmount;

public int GetLoanNum()
return loanNumber;
public void SetLoanNum(int num)
loanNumber = num;

public string GetName()
return lastName;
public void SetName(string name)
lastName = name;

public double GetLoanAmount()
return loanAmount;
public void SetLoanAmount(double amt)
loanAmount = amt;

public class DemoCarLoan2
public static void Main()
CarLoan aCarLoan = new CarLoan();
CarLoan anotherCarLoan = new CarLoan();



Console.WriteLine("Loan #{0} for {1} is for {2}",
aCarLoan.GetLoanNum(), aCarLoan.GetName(), aCarLoan.GetLoanAmount().ToString("C2"));

Console.WriteLine("Loan #{0} is for a {1} {2}",
aCarLoan.GetLoanNum(), aCarLoan.GetYear(), aCarLoan.GetMake());

Console.WriteLine("Loan #{0} is for a {1} {2}",
anotherCarLoan.GetLoanNum(), anotherCarLoan.GetName(), anotherCarLoan.GetLoanAmount().ToString("C2"));

Console.WriteLine("Loan #{0} is for a {1} {2}",
anotherCarLoan.GetLoanNum(), anotherCarLoan.GetYear(), anotherCarLoan.GetMake());

class CarLoan : BankLoan
private int carYear;
private string carMake;

public int GetYear()
return carYear;
public void SetYear(int year)
carYear = year;
if (carYear < 1997)
loanAmount = 0;

public string GetMake()
return carMake;
public void SetMake(string make)
carMake = make;

new public void SetLoanNum(int num)
if (num <= 999)
base.SetLoanNum(num); // Accessing Superclass Methods from a Subclass
num = num % 1000;
base.SetLoanNum(num); // Accessing Superclass Methods from a Subclass
Loan #111 for Morris is for $0.00
Loan #111 is for a 1992 Toyota
Loan #888 is for a Jefferson $18,000.00
Loan #888 is for a 2002 Chevrolet

Answers (3)