.NET COM Problem

Sep 28 2004 6:22 AM
I have an old application that I need to make a object call, using COM, to run a C#.NET application. I am having trouble finding an easy way to do it (I have not had any exposure to COM before now). I have done a little bit of searching on the net and my collegue found a way to do it but it appears to only work on his machine. I think it may be something to do with the registrys I basically need a seamless way of getting this C# app out with just the original app and the .NET framework. Can anyone help? ------------------ using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Firm_Contact; namespace FirmContactCOM { [Guid("D6F88E95-8A27-4ae6-B6DE-0542A0FC7039")] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch)] public interface _FirmContact { [DispId(1)] int GetFirmContact(); } [Guid("13FE32AD-4BF8-495f-AB4D-6C61BD463EA4")] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [ProgId("FirmContactCOM.FirmContact")] public class FirmContact : _FirmContact { public FirmContact(){} public int GetFirmContact() { return(Firm_Contact.MainFirmContact.StartUp()); } } }

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