sri ranjani

sri ranjani

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Need to fetch value from table and store it in a array

Oct 16 2018 11:14 PM
I need to select values from table and i need to store it in a array.
Protected Sub getwmslocationlist(ByVal site As String) ', ByVal s As String)
Dim oProducts As List(Of String)
Dim aProducts As String()
Dim i As Integer
Using con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(constr)
Using cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("select * from InventLocation iloc,wmsLocation wmsloc where iloc.dataareaid='BRM' and wmsloc.dataareaid='BRM' and iloc.InventSiteId='" & site & "' and iloc.InventLocationType=1 and wmsloc.inventLocationId=iloc.InventLocationId")
Dim dt As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter()
cmd.Connection = con
dt.SelectCommand = cmd
Dim dTable As DataTable = New DataTable()
oProducts = New List(Of String)
For i = 0 To dTable.Rows.Count - 1
aProducts = oProducts.ToArray
Catch ex As Exception
LblError.Text = Err.Description
If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
End Try
End Using
End Using
End Sub
 how could i do that?

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