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Need To ask question From Data Table

Jul 24 2006 5:26 AM
                        I need to ask something , that I want to take values from 2 or more tables of database and need to print those values within same row  means if 2 tables are related so I need to print parent column values and child column values within same row or if 2 or more tables are not related then also i need to print values of columns within same row . . for that I used dataset ,datadapter, and datarow [] , like this .
                                    Oleadapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd1.ToString(),sConnection);
DataRow[] dResult = ds.Tables["Execution"].Select();
foreach(DataRow dr in dResult)
Now I want to take 2nd table values within same row for printing like .
Console.writelin(table1values , table2values, table3values………etc…….);
How will I do that please .Tell me the answer . as I am extracting whole query from database .

Answers (4)