Venkat Govind

Venkat Govind

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Need Query

Sep 18 2015 6:49 AM
i am struck with below problem please help me to resolve the problem.
Step -1: the Employee1 is created(01-01-2015 ) under one of the contractor "A" the employee worked under contractor "A" between (01-01-2015 to 31-01-2015, the employee details is stored in (table 1), here stored name , created date ,contractor ID )
Step -2 :after one month the particular employee1 going to work for another contractor "B" now the employee working under contractor "B " between (02-02-2015 to 28-02-2015) to until now ,the employee contractor change details stored in (table 3) here stored current contractor name, Fromdate(01-01-2015) , Todate(31-01-2015),changing Contractor Name(Contractor B) ,fromdate(01-02-2015) and simultaneously table1 created date is update(02-02-2015) for employee1 ) ,
Note :each contractor have unique contractor ID , the employee attendance stored attendtl (table3)
now i am search the attendance where between 01-01-2015 to 28-02-2015
i need the result employee1(01-01-2015 to 31-01-2015) attendance under contractor A
and employee1(01-02-2015 to 28-02-2015) attendance under contractor B
How can Achieve this result ?

Answers (5)