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Need Help

Apr 4 2007 11:13 AM
Hello I am new to C# and was wondering if anyone could help me squash a bug. I have a huge script that was orginally, I have translated it into c#/asp 2.0. this is the error I am getting

Compiler Error Message: CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'bpoInfo.bpoInfo(int)' has some invalid arguments

Source Error:

Line 61: try
Line 62: {
Line 63: int bpo = new bpoInfo(Request.QueryString["RequestID"]);
Line 64: }
Line 65: catch (Exception ex)

Here is how I am declaring the variables:
bpoInfo bpo = null;

Here is the call:

bpo = new bpoInfo(Request.QueryString["RequestID"]);

Any ideas?

Answers (6)