Need help in scrolling throug From Browser list control

Jul 2 2010 6:35 AM

 I am a learner in C#. I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with C#. Currently writing a program which displays a list of printing jobs ( maximum 10) in a small printer screen dynamically. It is using MFP (Muli Functional Device) From Browser's list control. It doesn't support java script and only certain user controls. The printing jobs are getting displayed in the printer screen by using a web service. The printer screen will display only 5 or may be 6 printing jobs at a time. What I am trying to achieve is I want the items to be displayed in the list conrol. I also have 'up' and 'down' buttons. I wan the user to be able to scroll down or up the list of items by using the buttons and select a printing job to print. Can any one give me any idea on this please. I have attached the code I have done so far. But I asm not sure if its correct. Please help me ASAP    
I have attached the code file with this. Thank you.