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MVC label hide

Jun 29 2015 3:08 AM
I am posting a code snippet .in this I want to turn the label unvisible upon change of radiobutton list selection.
While the dropdownlist are hiding properly , the label is not hiding .
Please let me know the reason why ?
    <div style="text-align:center;text-decoration:solid;font-family:Arial;font-size:x-large;font-weight:bold;font-style:inherit"> @Html.Label("PO Transfer") </div> <br/><br />
    <table id="Table1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="600" border="0" align="center">
            <td width="210">@Html.Label("Select Method")</td>
                @Html.RadioButton("rbGrp","1", isChecked:true)@Html.Label("Country")
                @Html.RadioButton("rbGrp", "2", isChecked: false)@Html.Label("Physician")
                @Html.RadioButton("rbGrp", "3", isChecked: false)@Html.Label("PO")
            <td width="210">@Html.Label("dropCountry","Country")           
                @Html.DropDownList("dropCountry", Model.CountryList, new { @style = "display:visible;" })
            <td width="210">@Html.Label("dropPhysician","Physician")</td>
                @Html.DropDownList("dropPhysician", Model.PhysicianList, new { @style = "display:none;" })
                @*@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.PhysicianList, new SelectList(Model.GetPhysicianList(), "Value", "Text", -1))*@
            <td width="210">@Html.Label("dropPO","PO")</td>
                @Html.DropDownList("dropPO", Model.POList, new { @style = "display:none;" })
                @*@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.POList, new SelectList(Model.GetPOList(), "Value", "Text", -1))*@
            <td width="210">@Html.Label("dropToPO","To PO")</td>
                @Html.DropDownList("dropToPO", Model.POList, new { @style = "display:visible;" })
                @*@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.POList, new SelectList(Model.GetPOList(), "Value", "Text", -1))*@
            <td colspan="2">  <input type="submit" name="Transfer" value="Transfer" /> </td>

    <script language="javascript">
        $(':radio[name=rbGrp]').change(function () {
            // read the value of the selected radio
            var value = $(this).val();
            if (value == '1') {
            else if (value == "2") {

            else if (value == "3")


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