sithara shibu

sithara shibu

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mvc json serialisation

Mar 20 2019 2:14 PM
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
'net20' not installed. Attempting to retrieve dependency from source...
Install-Package : Unable to resolve dependency 'net20'.
At line:1 char:16
+ Install-Package <<<< Newtonsoft.Json
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
in my project newtonjson already there .the dll is copied i think. when i have problem for displaying  more then 20 thousand records . somebody told me to install . then i try to install this is the message . what to do

Answers (3)