Multi Person Live Video Chat

Nov 6 2009 10:54 PM

     I am going to create a c# windows application ie MULTI PERSON LIVE VIDEO CHAT"

      As the name of the application it self say's that it is a chatting application like yahoo messanger , I want some inforamtion to move forward in this project,

        Give me idea and any codeprojects links greatly helps me , i serched for some but i didn't get satisfied ones

              This application will have chating with text and webcam facility

For webcam facility we have to send video stream from one system to
 multiple systems , using udpclient.send() methaod iam able to send video stream form one sys to other sys using it's ipadress but unable to send the video stream from one sys to multiple systems using their ipadresses

               Please help me on this , it's urgent

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