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More C# help?

Aug 18 2010 6:15 PM
I had been receiving help from The Lizard during a C# course a month or 2 back. He was very helpful, and hopefully he will see this message. The class ended but I wanted to finish the problems in the book to continue to learn as much as I could. Programming is not my major, but it was an enjoyable course so I wanted to finish the problems. If anyone can help me with this problem, or at least give me a kick in the right direction, I would appreciate it. I am having a lot of trouble with it, I really don't know what to do with the arrays and nothing I try seems to work. Below is the problem:

1. Write a console program similar to 'Hangman':
2. Create an array of 10 words (you decide the words).
3. Randomly select a word from the array.
4. Then prompt the user to guess a letter of the word
5. Then if the user's letter guesses matches any letter(s) in the word, then put the letter guessed into the proper indices of another array and display the contents at this point to the user.

Repeat till either all letters are guessed or the user misses 3 times.

Include any necessary error handling.

Thanks in advance to any help.

Answers (1)