Roberto Salemi

Roberto Salemi

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[ModernDialog][MessageBoxResult] Cancel Button on second win

Apr 23 2015 11:07 AM

I'm using the ModernDialog that contains a UserControl, it has a custom button:

Button customButtonClose = new Button() { Content = "Close" };
customButtonClose.Click += (ss, ee) =>
dialog.Buttons = new Button[] { customButtonSave, customButtonClose };
In CheckPendingChanges():

var rsltDialog = Utils.ShowMessageYesNoClose("Are there a pending changes, save?");

if (rsltDialog == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
result = customFunction();
where Utils.ShowMessageYesNoClose() is:

public static MessageBoxResult ShowMessageYesNoClose(string text)
var dlg = new ModernDialog
Title = (string)Application.Current.FindResource("mdAppTitle"),
Content = new BBCodeBlock { BBCode = text, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 8) },
MinHeight = 0,
MinWidth = 0,
MaxHeight = 480,
MaxWidth = 640,
dlg.YesButton.Content = (string)Application.Current.FindResource("msgBoxResultYes");
dlg.NoButton.Content = (string)Application.Current.FindResource("msgBoxResultNo");
dlg.Buttons = new[] { dlg.YesButton, dlg.NoButton, customCancelClose, dlg.CancelButton };


return dlg.MessageBoxResult;
I have this problem: when I click on CancelButton, the two windows are closing together, but I would close only second window, the one with the application.

Where is the error?

Answers (1)