Nils Gustavsson

Nils Gustavsson

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Merge multidimensional array

Nov 4 2010 5:48 AM

I have two arrays (eut1 and eut2) that are rather large and i want to merge them to create a new one containing one after the other. I create the new array but i dont know how to assign eut1 and eut2 to the anglesEut so they end up after each other. 

public void setgetAnglesEut(float[,] eut1, float[,] eut2)
this.anglesEut = new float[eut1.GetLength(0) + eut2.GetLength(0), eut2.GetLength(1)];

this.anglesEut = eut1;
// when anglesEut is assigned eut1 it also gets its dimentions. How do i add eut2 efter eut1.
// eut1 and eut 2 have the following dimentions
// Eut1 {float[3, 4096]}
// anglesEut {float[6, 4096]}


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