Memory keep growing

Feb 21 2008 7:11 PM

I´m having a wear problem with an application. When I start the application the memory start to grow and never stops. I´m entering to this routine many times

class ImageDatabaseHandler
    private bool blDBResult = true;
    private string strResultCode = "3009";
    string query = "";
    readonly ConnectionString connString = new ConnectionString();

    public string StrResultCode
        get { return strResultCode; }
        set { strResultCode = value; }

    public bool getNextFingerprintMinutia(Int64 intThisID, out Int64 intNextID, out string strMinutia/*, OracleConnection myConnection*/)
        intNextID = 0;
        strMinutia = "";

        OracleConnection myConnection;
        using (myConnection = connString.GetMyConnection())
            query = string.Format("Select * From (Select * from VCS_IMAGE Where IMAGE_ID > '{0}' and IMAGE_FORMAT = 5005 order by IMAGE_ID ASC) where ROWNUM <=1", intThisID);
            using (OracleCommand myCommand = new OracleCommand(query, myConnection))
                    using (OracleDataReader reader = myCommand.ExecuteReader())
                        blDBResult = reader.Read();
                        // Read did not cause an exception, blDBResult will contain the Read status (true or false)
                        if (blDBResult)
                                intNextID = (Int64)reader["IMAGE_ID"];
                            catch (InvalidCastException)
                                intNextID = -1;
                                using (OracleClob myOracleClob =reader.GetOracleClob(7))
                                    strMinutia = myOracleClob.Value;
                            catch (Exception )
                                strResultCode = "3053";
                                blDBResult = false;
                catch (Exception)
                    blDBResult = false;
                    myConnection.Close(); //Added
        return blDBResult;

The connection string routine is:

class ConnectionString
        private string host = "";
        private string port = "";
        private string serviceName = "";
        private string userId = "";
        private string userPassword = "";

       private string strConnection;

        public string Host
            get { return host; }
            set { host = value; }

        public string Port
            get { return port; }
            set { port = value; }

        public string ServiceName
            get { return serviceName; }
            set { serviceName = value; }

        public string UserId
            get { return userId; }
            set { userId = value; }

        public string UserPassword
            get { return userPassword; }
            set { userPassword = value; }

        private OracleConnection myConnection = null;
        //OracleConnection myConnection = new OracleConnection(strConnection);

        public OracleConnection GetMyConnection()
            using (StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader("c:\\cc17v.cfg"))
                host = objReader.ReadLine();
                port = objReader.ReadLine();
                serviceName = objReader.ReadLine();
                userId = objReader.ReadLine();
                userPassword = objReader.ReadLine();
            strConnection = string.Format("Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST={0})(PORT={1})))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME={2})));User Id = {3};Password = {4}; ", host, port, serviceName, userId, userPassword);

            myConnection = new OracleConnection(strConnection);
            return myConnection;
        }    // Connect to the DB

I´ll appreciate any help you can give me. I don´t know if it´s the way how I´m creating the objects for connection, adapter or reader, aparently those are not been disposed propertly.

The Idea of this application is to run it for long time and I mean long time processing so the memory should be constant in order to keep runing otherwise it´ll get a leak of memory.

thanks a lot.