Sharad Gupta

Sharad Gupta

  • NA
  • 19.7k
  • 8.6m

longitude and latitude based on user location

Nov 10 2016 6:17 AM
Latitute Longitute
28.4880351 77.0621916
29.9990351 77.121916
28.4880353 77.0621916
26.1110351 78.123916
and suppose search on  
Latitute Longitute
28.4880351 77.0621916
with in 5 km 
how to return sql table column value longitude and latitude based on user location in sql with distance limit
suppose user Latitute '28.4880351' and Longitute is '77.0621916' and want to return all lat and lan from my table with in 5 km radius 
Thanks and Regards
Sharad Gupta 

Answers (2)