Jochen Happel

Jochen Happel

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List with more dimensions

Sep 2 2024 8:19 PM

Hello here my Question - I am an absolute beginner of C#

When I started a little programming there was no such thing as Objects

I have following situation. I have a Excel list similar like this

Students German English Maths ...
Student 1 3 2 1 ...
Student 2 ... 4 1 5 ...

I want to make a list of the hole table to make some calculations with it.

My problem is, I know how to make a list. But this list is with more dimensions. 
On my search through the I-Net I found lists with tuples, with dictionaries, with a classes :-( ...

I don´t want to use an array, because its not flexible enough.
I don´t know what kind of list I need, how to read/write from it, delete subjects...
It would be great to see your explanations on an example.
Thanks for your help

Answers (2)