Steven Moore

Steven Moore

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List Both Local And Network Drives With Full Details

May 20 2014 11:33 AM
I've been scouring the internet trying to find the answer to this and can't seem to find anything.

I'm making myself a new Folder Browser UserControl using a TreeView as an excercise to try and learn more about C#, and to add into a File Renaming program I've been developing.

I've found that the TreeView is a little small for my touchscreen laptop, so I've taken it on myself to recreate it with bigger icons and + symbols.

Now, first thing's first, I'm obtaining a list of drives (both local and network) to add into my TreeView, but I can't seem to get all the information I require.

In My Computer (I'm using Windows XP but I'm going to test on other versions where it says This Computer as well) there are 11 objects showing


Using System.IO I can obtain some of what is showing but not all of it.

The options I have available are:

Using P:\ as an example I get the following:

    AvailableFreeSpace  = 30102499328
    DriveFormat         = NTFS
    DriveType           = Network
    IsReady             = True
    Name                = P:\
    RootDirectory       = P:\
    TotalFreeSpace      = 30102499328
    TotalSize           = 4397611224320
    VolumeLabel         = FileSystem6 (3Par)

So, none of the options gives me the *EDITED DUE TO WORK* detail that shows in My Computer.

Can anyone tell me how I can get this information?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Answers (6)