BM Ashok

BM Ashok

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Linux : Unity DllImport (“filename”) not working

May 14 2016 7:47 AM
I have imported "Kinect with OpenNI2"(!/content/10693) from Unity Asset store. When I run the code , I get below error message
System.DllNotFoundException: UnityInterface2
at (wrapper managed-to-native) KinectWrapper:Init (bool,bool,bool) at KinectManager.Start () [0x00000] in /home/ashok/New Unity Project/Assets/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:657
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) KinectManager:Start() (at Assets/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:808)
The error message is generated when below code is executed
[DllImport("UnityInterface2", SetLastError=true)]
public static extern int Init(bool isInitDepthStream, bool isInitColorStream, bool isInitInfraredStream);
I have found below things
[DllImport("UnityInterface2", SetLastError=true)] ------- not working
[DllImport("UnityInterface2.dll", SetLastError=true)] ------- not working
[DllImport("UnityInterface2.dylib", SetLastError=true)] ------- not working
[DllImport("", SetLastError=true)] ------- working but do not want to use it ( unreferenced symbols as I am unable to compile the .cpp and .h files properly from to generate .so file)
UnityInterface2.dll and UnityInterface2.dylib are proper compiled files, but unable to use
Aim : To do gesture recognition (hand tracking) on Linux
Hardware : Kinect xbox360
Softwares : Linux,OpenNI2, NiTE2
Unity Package used : Kinect with OpenNI2 (!/content/10693)
**Existing things about the package (code ):**Its meant for windows OS and Osx (Apple) (Package contains UnityInterface2.dll (Windows) and libUnityInterface2.dylib(OsX)) (Package does not contain (Linux))
Existing Platform dependency code : .....Platform Independent C# code (specifying location of OpenNI2/NiTE2 installation directories(OsX/Linux)..............
If(OS == WIndows OS ) use UnityInterface2.dll library [DllImport("UnityInterface2.dll")] ;
else if (OS == OsX ) use libUnityInterface2.dylib library; [DllImport("libUnityInterface2.dylib")] ;
......... Platform Independent C# code (calling functions in library ) ..............
Requirement : To modify the code to make it work with Linux in following ways
1. Use the existing library files (.dll and .dylib ) and call its functions, ie
If( OS == Linux ) use UnityInterface2.dll library; [DllImport("UnityInterface2.dll")]---- (NOT WORKING))
If( OS == Linux ) use libUnityInterface2.dylib Library [DllImport("libUnityInterface2.dylib")](NOT WORKING))
2. Create a .so file ( by compiling the .h and .cpp files in location and use the following code
If( OS == Linux ) use Library [DllImport("")]
Result : unreferenced symbols as I am unable to compile the .cpp and .h files properly
Basically Trying to use 1st option, ie to make Linux identify .dll or .dylib files)

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