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LINQ to SQL Query built on Connection to fill three level controls in C# 4.0 Windows Forms.

Apr 18 2012 10:41 AM

Using Northwind database, I have to build a Windows form containing three panels,

- In the First panel, there is a list whitch shows Order Numbers and customers names (from 2 tables),
- In the seconde TextBoxes showing data of [Orders] Table related to the selected item in the first panel.
- In the third one there is a datagridview showing data in [Order details] related to the second panel data.

I already use LINQ to Entities, but I read somewhere that LINQ to SQL is more performant.
So I would like to try to use queries using LINQ to SQL based on my existing connection string to keep my existing LINQ to Entities queries safe.

So I need some help to perform this task, thank you.