charan sri

charan sri

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linq query for update more than one record

Oct 11 2012 5:46 AM

I have a table named industries. In this my fields are


With the same values of workfor_id, I have different workfor_industry_id's.

foreach (var k in us){ 
var ind = => i.workfor_id ==
.id).Select(i => i).FirstOrDefault();
string ind2 = k.industry;
var industryParts =   ind2.Split(',');
var o = (industryParts.Length);
for (c = 0; c < o; c++){
.workfor_id = Convert.ToInt16(;
.workfor_industry_id = Convert.ToInt16(k.industryid); }

To update workfor_industry_id field I have implemented inner loop inside the foreach loop to get the values of workfor_industry_id' same record is over loading with different workfor_industry_id's.

can you tell me how to implement this.

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