siva nagarjuna

siva nagarjuna

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LinQ binding to Gridview

Aug 29 2016 2:02 AM


I know by using we can bind the table to gridview like this:

dataGridView1.DataSource=( from customer in db.Customers
where customer.Country == "USA"
orderby customer.CompanyName
select new { customer.CustomerID,
customer.City }).ToBindingList();

In this case can we declare the gridview in aspx page with

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Title">


&nbsp;<asp:LinkButton ID="lbTitle" runat="server" CommandArgument="<%# Container.DisplayIndex %>" CommandName="Link" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container.DataItem, "city") %>'



can we do like this in aspx page.


Answers (2)