I working with MVC 5/ EF 6. I have been trying to create a view that displays a calendar for multiple people.
I already have the view grouped by person, and I show a list of all dates within the search range. But if the person has nothing scheduled for that date, the date is not being listed under the person.
Right now, the empty dates with no one scheduled for anything are being grouped together under an "empty" person group.
My current results:
Person: ------------------------------- 04/01/16 (blank) 04/02/16 (blank) 04/03/16 (blank) Person: Jane ------------------------------- 04/04/2016: To Do Item 04/05/2016: To Do Item Person: John ------------------------------- 04/04/2016: To Do Item 04/05/2016: To Do Item
How can I get this result?
Person: Jane ------------------------------- 04/01/16 (blank) 04/02/16 (blank) 04/03/16 (blank) 04/04/2016: To Do Item 04/05/2016: To Do Item Person: John ------------------------------- 04/01/16 (blank) 04/02/16 (blank) 04/03/16 (blank) 04/04/2016: To Do Item 04/05/2016: To Do Item
Query returned to view
var activecal = db.Calendar.Where(x => (x.CalDate >= startdate && x.CalDate <= enddate).ToList(); // merge calendar with date range in search selected var calendar = (from d in dateRange //dateRange = date range search join c in activecal.ToList() on d equals c.CalDate into joinedResult from r in joinedResult.DefaultIfEmpty() select new CalVM { FullName = r == null ? null : r.FullName, CalLocation = r == null ? null : r.CalLocation, calDay = d.Date, }).ToList();
@{ foreach (var group in Model.GroupBy(a => a.FullName)) { <h3>Person: @group.Key</h3> <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table table-hover small"> <tr> <th> Cal Day </th> <th> Location </th> </tr> @foreach (var i in group) { <tr> <td> @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => i.calDay) </td> <td> @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => i.CalLocation) </td> </tr> } </table> </div> } }
I understand that I have to somehow get the Person's name associated with all the dates in the dateRange list, I am just not sure how to do it. The only parameter in the date range list is a date, so there is nothing to join on.