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Just small issue with link button redirection ?

Oct 20 2013 4:30 PM

· PROGRAMMING Requirement 
Below mentioned is my way of requirement ,, i am done almost sucessfully but stuck at 6TH POINT .. SHOW SOME LIGHT AND HELP ME FIX THE PROBLEM .. 
 Create a 4-page application with the following attributes:
1. Name the pages FirstPage.xaml, SecondPage.xaml, ThirdPage.xaml, and FourthPage.xaml.
2. Each page should contain a TextBlock at the top of the page to identify the page name.
3. When the app launches the FirstPage should load.
4. Each page should contain 3 hyperlinkbuttons - each linking to each of the other pages. Ensure that by clicking to link for a specific page - SecondPage, for example - that the navigation goes to SecondPage.
5. Add a Button labeled Back to each page. If the user clicks the custom Back button you've added, make the navigation go back to the top page on the back stack.
6. Add a TextBlock to the bottom of each page that reads either "Navigated to using Back" -or- "Navigated to using Link". The TextBlock text should change upon entry to the page. If the page was opened via a Back button, then it should read "Opened via Back". Otherwise it should display "Opened via Link".
7. Each page should contain a Terminate button that, when clicked, terminates the application.

Cheers & have a nice day ,,

Attachment: code code code.rar