Mouhssine tahri

Mouhssine tahri

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jstree with MVC5

Aug 7 2020 3:47 AM
I use jstree in my application, that I programmed it with MVC5 C#.
I want when clicking in any node of treeview a modal or a form appears.
  1. <input id="search-input" class="search-input" />  
  2. <br /><br />  
  3. <div class="form-body">  
  4. <div id="jstree">  
  5. @(Html.TreeView(Model)  
  6. .EmptyContent("COURRIERS")  
  7. .Children(m => m.Childs)  
  8. .HtmlAttributes(new { id = "tree" })  
  9. .ChildrenHtmlAttributes(new { @class = "subItem" })  
  10. .ItemText(m => m.Designation)  
  11. .ItemTemplate(  
  12. @<text>  
  13. <a href="@item.Description" desc="@item.Description">@item.IdTypeCourrier - @item.Designation </a>  
  14. </text>)  
  15. )  
  16. </div>  
  17. </div>  

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