Dear all below is my code although I have 2Lakh rows coming but the json size becomes 48MB , check the below code and let me know as when I run this code the visual studio get hangs
public JsonResult GetEmployeesLocation(string Country) LocationAddress loc=new LocationAddress(); try { using(DBENTITY db=new DBENTITY()) { List MyLoc=(from m in db.locations where"USA" select new LocationAddress { State=g.state,, village=g.village, state_ID=(int)g.SID, City_ID=(int)C_ID, Village_ID=(int)V_ID, }); LocationAddress.location=MyLoc return Json(LocationAddress,JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
when I hit the api using postman it says "error during serliazitaion or deserialization using hte json javascriptseriealizer, the length of the string exceeds the value set on maxjsonlength.
I have increased the size it return the data but system hangs as it is 48MB of data