var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DetailRoot>(json);
I get and error parsing the the json format line 1. The json deserializer object is not parsing the
SendAction 2018-10-18T20:04:01.000000
Can someone assist me. The incoming input file cant be change. I am trying to use the deserializer object so that I dont have to loop through every line in the input file.
SendAction 2018-10-18T20:04:01.000000 { "HeaderVersion": "", "Details": [ { "Quantity": 0, "TransAmount": 0 } ], "Session": "1", }
SendAction 2018-10-18T20:04:01.000000 { "HeaderVersion": "", "Details": [ { "Quantity": 0, "TransAmount": 0 } ], "Session": "2", }
SendAction 2018-10-18T20:06:01.000000 { "HeaderVersion": "", "Details": [ { "Quantity": 0, "TransAmount": 0 } ], "Session": "3", }