Aniket Narvankar

Aniket Narvankar

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jQuery Datatable

Jun 6 2020 3:22 PM
I have added a button in jquery datatable how to make it disabled base on some condition using ternary operator here is my code columns:
[ {'title': 'Name', 'data': 'Name', 'visible': false }, {'title':'LName','data': 'LName' }, { 'title': 'Actions', 'data': 'Name', 'searchable': false, 'sortable': false, 'render': function (data, type, full, meta) { return '<input type="button" id="btnSelect" value="Select" onclick="getD(\'' + data + '\')"/>' } } ]
if value in name column is A then button should be disabled how to do this i am stuck on this