Hi Team
I need help with below instruction of this function;
// instruction
Create a function that takes a numeral (just digits without separators (e.g. 19093 instead of 19,093) and returns the standard way of reading a number, complete with punctuation.
sayNumber(0) ? "Zero." sayNumber(11) ? "Eleven." sayNumber(1043283) ? "One million, forty three thousand, two hundred and eighty three." sayNumber(90376000010012) ? "Ninety trillion, three hundred and seventy six billion, ten thousand and twelve."
Must read any number from 0 to 999,999,999,999,999.
// My code does not pass all test and failed.
function sayNumber(num) { return BigInt(num).toString().replace(/\B(?<!\.\d*)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); } function test(num, expect) { const result = sayNumber(num); const pass = result === expect; console.log(`${pass ? "?" : "ERROR ====>"} ${num} => ${result}`); return pass; } let failures = 0; failures += !test(0, "0"); failures += !test(100, "100"); failures += !test(1000, "1,000"); failures += !test(10000, "10,000"); failures += !test(100000, "100,000"); failures += !test(1000000, "1,000,000"); failures += !test(10000000, "10,000,000"); failures += !test(999999999999999n, "999,999,999,999,999"); if (failures) { console.log(`${failures} test(s) failed`); } else { console.log("All tests passed"); }
// Errors it compiles
? 0 => 0 ? 100 => 100 ? 1000 => 1,000 ? 10000 => 10,000 ? 100000 => 100,000 ? 1000000 => 1,000,000 ? 10000000 => 10,000,000 ? 999999999999999 => 999,999,999,999,999 All tests passed FAILED: Expected: 'Zero.', instead got: '0' FAILED: Expected: 'Eleven.', instead got: '11' FAILED: Expected: 'Fourteen.', instead got: '14' FAILED: Expected: 'Fifteen.', instead got: '15' FAILED: Expected: 'Forty-three.', instead got: '43' FAILED: Expected: 'Fifty.', instead got: '50' FAILED: Expected: 'One thousand and one.', instead got: '1,001' FAILED: Expected: 'Twenty thousand.', instead got: '20,000' FAILED: Expected: 'One million, thirty-three thousand, two hundred and eighty-six.', instead got: '1,033,286' FAILED: Expected: 'Twelve million and thirteen.', instead got: '12,000,013' FAILED: Expected: 'Ninety trillion, three hundred and seventy-six billion, ten thousand and twelve.', instead got: '90,376,000,010,012'