Here is my combo box I want to put 3 values in this combo box and have it so when a value is selected it calls a method in my controller class.
Could I get a example on how to call my method in a different class from a value selected in the combo box
{ xtype: 'label', style: 'margin-right:5px;margin-left:3px', text: 'Format'}, { id: 'FormatId', xtype: 'combo', width: 140, displayField: 'Text', valueField: 'Value', emptyText: 'Default', hiddenName: 'FormatId', forceSelection: true, triggerAction: 'all', mode: 'local',//Controller class[Authorize(Roles = RoleAdmin + "," + RoleBilling + "," + RoleBillingDocument)]private ActionResult TripLogSpreadsheet(List<usp_TripLogResult> list, object[] filterStrs) {const int colRideDate = 0;const int colJobNum = 1;const int colMemberName = 2;const int colAWS = 3;const int colRNS = 4; {ICell hCell = hRow.CreateCell(colWaitTime, CellType.NUMERIC); hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colWaitTime).CellStyle; hCell.SetCellValue(record.WaitTime); } {ICell hCell = hRow.CreateCell(colBilledAmount, CellType.STRING); hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colBilledAmount).CellStyle; hCell.SetCellValue(String.Empty); } {ICell hCell = hRow.CreateCell(colAttendantsQty, CellType.STRING); hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colAttendantsQty).CellStyle; hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.AttendantsQty) ? record.AttendantsQty : String.Empty); } {ICell hCell = hRow.CreateCell(colSignature, CellType.STRING); hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colSignature).CellStyle; hCell.SetCellValue(String.Empty); } sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = true;var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); wk.Write(memoryStream);return File(memoryStream.ToArray(), "application/", "trip_log.xls"); }