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javascript / database

Feb 20 2009 5:12 PM
I have a  cs file. most of the coding was done in javascript.. i want to select a column from database by filtering by document get element  id as varchar then maninupilate the result in hidden field.using java script or is the sample
        //now, build the array for the gallery       
        StringBuilder PartsStr = new StringBuilder();
        for (i = 0; i < Parts.Count; i++)
            PartsStr.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"{1}", Parts[i].Part, (i + 1 != Parts.Count) ? "," : "");
        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), "PartsArray", String.Format("var PartsList=[{0}];", PartsStr.ToString()), true);

        //emit the javascript for the arrow buttons
        StringBuilder JS = new StringBuilder();
        JS.AppendFormat("var NumThumbs={0};", NumThumbs);
        JS.AppendFormat("var ImgPos=0; var NumImgs={0};\r\n", Parts.Count);
        JS.AppendLine("function ShowImage(/*img*/theimg,/*label*/thelabel,/*string*/src,/*string*/part,/*string*/descr){");
        JS.AppendLine("   theimg.onerror=function(){this.onerror=null;this.src='images/nophoto.jpg';};");
