sonal malhotra

sonal malhotra

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it does not display output well n pls fix my query with ef

Jan 3 2019 1:18 AM
 hello ,
i had made two table as below 
SELECT TOP 1000 [id]
FROM [blogstatus].[dbo].[Blogstatus]
SELECT TOP 1000 [statusid]
FROM [blogstatus].[dbo].[statusname]
 in Index controller page
using (ctx = new blogstatusEntities1())
var publish = (from d in ctx.Blogstatus
join m in ctx.statusnames on d.statusid equals m.statusid
where m.statusid == 1
select new
id =,
Datetpublish = d.Datetpublish,
Title = d.Title,
Author = d.Author,
Content1 = d.Content1
return View(publish);
in view page
@using blogwithstatus.Models
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
<h2> Blog news</h2>
<h6> list of blog</h6>
@using (var ctx = new blogstatusEntities1())
foreach (var blog in ctx.Blogstatus)
<div class="panel panel-body ">
Author| @blog.Author
  have u check my query in controller ? and i did wrong any query? please fix these query with ef

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