i facing the issue with my updating service on reg-start date. when i try to upload the date from date picker in client side, it will not updated in back end. The error shows like "Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime ".
Here is my Code :
if (lblRegStart.Text != txtNewRegStart.Text) { string[] sDate = txtNewRegStart.Text.Split('/'); DateTime regStartDt = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt16(sDate[2]), Convert.ToInt16(sDate[1]), Convert.ToInt16(sDate[0]), 23, 59, 59); if (regStartDt.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0) { lblMessage.Text = "The Reg Start date should not be earlier than today"; return false; } string[] sInsDtTo = hidInsDtTo.Value.Split('/'); if (regStartDt.CompareTo(new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(sInsDtTo[2].Substring(0, 4)), Convert.ToInt32(sInsDtTo[0]), Convert.ToInt32(sInsDtTo[1]), 23, 59, 59)) > 0) { lblMessage.Text = "The Reg Start date should not be later than the date of the Policy Expiry"; return false; } //string sDrFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; //Response.Write(regStartDt.ToString(sDrFormat)); sResp = adnicService.update_regstart(lblrefno.Text, regStartDt.ToString("mm/dd/yyyy"), ref iErr); //sResp = adnicService.update_regstart(lblrefno.Text, regStartDt.ToString(sDrFormat), ref iErr); //sResp = adnicService.update_regstart(lblrefno.Text, txtNewRegStart.Text, ref iErr); if (iErr != 0) { lblMessage.Text = sResp; return false; }
Any help will be greatly appreciated. i'm in critical situation.
Thanks in advance.