I want to create a folder in s3 bucket using an api like /create_folder
i am using Minio client for this
i have a repository class s3 repository and i am getting some issues related to minio client and couldnt resolve.can any one help?
using Minio; using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace FileServiceAPI1._0.Repository { public class S3Repository : IS3Repository { private const string S3ConfigSectionKey = "S3"; private const string S3EndpointKey = "Endpoint"; private const string S3BucketNameKey = "BucketName"; private const string S3AccessKeyKey = "AccessKey"; private const string S3SecretKeyKey = "SecretKey"; private readonly string _bucketName; private readonly MinioClient _s3Client; private readonly ILogger _log; public S3Repository(ILogger<S3Repository> logger, IConfiguration configuration) { _log = logger; var s3Config = configuration.GetSection(S3ConfigSectionKey); var endpoint = s3Config.GetValue<string>(S3EndpointKey); var accessKey = s3Config.GetValue<string>(S3AccessKeyKey); var secretKey = s3Config.GetValue<string>(S3SecretKeyKey); _bucketName = s3Config.GetValue<string>(S3BucketNameKey); _s3Client = new MinioClient(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey); } public async Task<string> CreateFolderAsync(string folderName) { try { bool folderExists = await _s3Client.BucketExistsAsync(_bucketName); if (!folderExists) { await _s3Client.MakeBucketAsync(_bucketName); } // Creating folder by adding a dummy file with the folder name as the prefix string objectName = folderName.TrimEnd('/') + "/"; await _s3Client.PutObjectAsync(_bucketName, objectName, new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(""))); return $"Folder '{folderName}' created successfully."; } catch (Exception ex) { _log.LogError(ex, "Error creating folder"); throw; } } } } using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace FileServiceAPI1._0.Repository { public interface IS3Repository { Task<string> CreateFolderAsync(string folderName); } }
Errors I am getting in above code is
how can i fix?