Nagaraj S

Nagaraj S

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Issue while adding the resposive UI to the HTMLtable

Oct 30 2014 12:29 AM
Dear Members,
I have a stuck up on one issue related with HTML table design. Please find the following the details,
My issue is "HTML table shrinks when i shrink the browser windows, after that if i expanded the browser window to the actual size, this time html table does not pulled back to its original size".
Case 1: If i place the html table immediately after <form> and <div> tags, it works fine. (i.e, html table shrinks and expands based on the browser size)
Case 2: If i place the html table in the following order, issue occurs.
<form><table><td> <div><table id="responsiveUItable"> </table></div>
</td> </table> </form>