Ram Pradeep

Ram Pradeep

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Issue on use where condion in mvc 4 with entity frameworkk

Nov 10 2015 3:44 AM
Actually i am trying to get the employees information based on the deptno.
My Tables:
here 2 tables has the relation with foreign key constraint.
now i want to retrieve employee names whose deptid is matching with deptid of tbldept2 table.I am getting error in controller
public class employeeController : Controller
// GET: /employee/
public ActionResult Index(int id)
employeecontext empcontext = new employeecontext();
employee emplist = empcontext.employees.Where(emp => emp.DEPTID == id);
return View(emplist);
public ActionResult Details()
employeecontext employeecontext = new employeecontext();
List<employee> empnames= employeecontext.employees.ToList();
return View(empnames);
solve this ..... 

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