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I'm trying to redirect user to page depending on role

Jun 7 2016 1:19 PM
I would like to redirect user to particular page depending on the role assigned to them. Since there will be more than 1 user with the same role the code I'm using is not what I need. I'm using the ASP.NET Configuration to assign roles and set up 3 different roles. Admin, Customer, Partners. Each role will have many users. After user logins depending on their role I would like the to be redirected to a particular page. Via:Admin, Customer or Partner. My question is: can anyone help me either change the code I'm using or let me know if the code I'm using will not work. I need to not look for a SPECIFIC user name to look for ANY user name that is in a role. Any help would be appreciated.
My Code:
protected void LoginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
if (Roles.IsUserInRole(LoginControl.UserName, "admin1"))
{ Response.Redirect("~/AdminPages/Administration.aspx");
 else if (Roles.IsUserInRole(LoginControl.UserName, "customer1"))
 else if (Roles.IsUserInRole(LoginControl.UserName, "partner1"))


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