using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text; namespace SimpleBank{ public abstract class Account { // instance variables private static long num = 0; // for the account number private long number; // account number private decimal balance; // account balance // public properties public long Number { get { return number; } } public decimal Balance { get { return balance; } } // constructors public Account() { balance = 0; number = ++num; } public Account(decimal amount) { balance = amount; number = ++num; } // methods public override string ToString() { string strout = "Account Number: " + Number + "\tBalance: " + Balance.ToString("c"); return strout; } // adding funds to the account public void Credit(decimal amount) { balance = Balance + amount; } // debiting funds from account virtual public void Debit(decimal amount) { balance = Balance - amount; } }// end of class Account public class CreditAccount : Account { // instance variables private decimal ODLimit; // overdraft limit // properties public decimal Limit { get { return ODLimit; } } // constructors public CreditAccount(decimal amount) : base(amount) { ODLimit = 100; } public CreditAccount() : base() { ODLimit = 100; } public CreditAccount(decimal amount, decimal limit) : base(amount) { ODLimit = limit; } public override string ToString() { string strout = base.ToString(); strout = strout + "\tOverdraft Limit: " + Limit; return strout; } public override void Debit(decimal amount) { if (amount > base.Balance + Limit) throw new Exception("Insufficient funds - transaction cancelled"); else base.Debit(amount); } }// End of CreditAccount class public class DepositAccount : Account { // instance variables private double rate; // rate of interest //public properties public double Rate { get { return rate; } set { rate = value; } } // Constructors public DepositAccount(decimal amount) : base(amount) { rate = 0.0; } public DepositAccount() : base() { rate = 0.0; } public DepositAccount(decimal amount, double rt) : base(amount) { rate = rt; } public override string ToString() { string strout; strout = base.ToString(); strout = strout + string.Format("\tRate of Interest: {0:f2}", this.Rate); return strout; } public override void Debit(decimal amount) { if ((base.Balance - amount) < 0) throw new Exception("Insufficient funds - transaction cancelled"); else base.Debit(amount); } public void AddInterest() { decimal balance = base.Balance; decimal interest; double i = ((double)balance * this.Rate) / 100; interest = (decimal)i; balance = balance + interest; } }}// end of DepositAccount class// end of file // start of Program.cs file where test isusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text; namespace SimpleBank{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Tester(); } static void Tester() { CreditAccount cacc; DepositAccount dacc; cacc = new CreditAccount(100, 100); dacc = new DepositAccount(1200, 2.0); Console.WriteLine("Current account acc1 created with 100 and 100 OD"); Console.WriteLine(cacc); Console.WriteLine("Deposit account acc2 created with 1200 and 2.0 rate"); Console.WriteLine(dacc); Console.WriteLine("withdraw 150 from credit account cacc"); cacc.Debit(150); Console.WriteLine(cacc); try { Console.WriteLine("Try withdraw 200 from credit account cacc"); Console.WriteLine("expect error"); cacc.Debit(150); Console.WriteLine("no error " + cacc); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine("balance should be same as before"); Console.WriteLine(cacc); } try { Console.WriteLine("Try withdraw 2000 from debit account dacc"); Console.WriteLine("expect error"); dacc.Debit(2000); Console.WriteLine("no error " + dacc); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine("balance should be same as before"); Console.WriteLine(dacc); } Console.WriteLine("testing apply interest"); dacc.AddInterest(); Console.WriteLine(dacc); Console.ReadLine(); }}
Attachment: SimpleBank.rar