IInputArray src, IOutputArray dst,
Here is what I tried to do:
Emgu.CV.IInputArray[] iarr;
Emgu.CV.IOutputArray[] oarr;
foreach (var image in images.OrderBy(key => key.Value.Position.X )) {
iarr = new Emgu.CV.IInputArray[1];
iarr.SetValue(image.Value.img, 0); oarr = new Emgu.CV.IOutputArray[1];
arr.SetValue(image.Value.img, 0);
CvInvoke.CopyMakeBorder(iarr[0], oarr[0], 12, 12, 12, 12, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BorderType.Default);
It gives error when I try to set a value because it is an Interface. So I decided to implement a class using this interface but couldn't go much further. Any help would be great.
public class CMB : Emgu.CV.IInputArray
public InputArray[] arr;
public InputArray GetInputArray()
return arr[0];
public void SetInputArray(Dictionary<int, ImageProperty> img)