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Integers, Floats and Doubles

Mar 26 2011 6:17 AM

I'll start with the usual apology for such a basic question, but I can't get my head around this.

Here is my code from the tutorial I am using:

float firstNumber;

float secondNumber;

float floatAnswer;

int integerAnswer;

firstNumber = 10.5F;

secondNumber = 32.5F;

integerAnswer = firstNumber + secondNumber;


This fails because according to the tutorial you cannot store a float variable as an integer.  That's fine.  What I can't get my head around is the fact that the answer to the sum IS an integer.  10.5 + 32.5 = 43. 

43 doesn't have a decimal place so it is an integer, right?  What am I missing?

Can anybody simplify this for me, or should I just give up now lol?

Many Thanks


Answers (4)