In my program I want to insert the images of students which are in a folder to the sql table according to id. Currently I used this querry.
declare EmployeCursor cursor fast_forward for
select num
from login
declare @sql nvarchar(4000)
declare @num nvarchar(50)
open EmployeCursor
while (1=1) begin
fetch next from EmployeCursor into @num
if @@FETCH_STATUS<>0 break
set @sql = N'UPDATE login
SET image =
OPENROWSET(BULK N''D:\img\' + cast(@num as nvarchar(50)) + N'.jpg'', SINGLE_BLOB) AS img)
WHERE num = ' + cast(@num as nvarchar(max))
end /* while */
close EmployeCursor
deallocate EmployeCursor
But its have problem.My image names are in the format 12-1.jpg and id in the format 12/1. so how can I add images? pls help