i'm trying to insert a int value (id) into a table of sql server. That value is the part before the space of the selectedvalue of a dropdownlist. Because id is defined as internal, i thought it would keep its value in all events, but obviously doesn't. Why and how to fix that (possible with session variable)? I put the property CausesValidation="false" of the button but still same problem.
internal int id;
protected void dd2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sel = dd2.SelectedValue; int pos = sel.IndexOf(" "); id = Int32.Parse(sel.Substring(0, pos)); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label2.Text = id.ToString();// this shows 0 mConnection.Open(); sql = "insert into number (idll) values (@idll)"; comd = new SqlCommand(sql, mConnection); comd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@idll", Convert.ToInt32(id)); comd.ExecuteNonQuery(); mConnection.Close(); }