insert two quote only in db MSI !!!!

Mar 12 2007 7:07 AM
Hi everybody,

i have a problem ! i try to insert/update a db msi => microsoft windows installer !
i must to enter two ' quote !!!

but after several test nothing can be entered in this db i've try this

" '' "
" '''' " or use replace or escape with \ or / but when i test the application fail with the return execute param ! 

here is it a simple of code :

doubleQuote = "''"

qLangue = "UPDATE Property set Property.Value = '" & doubleQuote & "' WHERE Property.Property = 'LANG'"

I can use dataset or bindingsource because i use vb net 1.1 and com

someone can have several idea for to help me i've just to insert two quote '' without text !

Thanks and sorry for my bad english

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