ahmed sa

ahmed sa

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Input sring was not in correct formate

May 19 2015 4:43 PM
Hi i work in windows form application viusal studio 2008
I have windows form have two labeles label 33, label 34
label 33 represent quantity required
label 34 represent quantity shipped

if (Convert.ToInt32(label33.Text) == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(label34.Text) == 0)


Sales.SalesClass SalesClass3 = new Sales.SalesClass();

SalesClass3.DeleteProcessThird("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=ALTAWI Group-Live;User ID=admin;Password=3210;Connection Lifetime=3;Max Pool Size=3;Connection Timeout=30");


problem when converting string to integer
it give me error excption
Input sring was not in correct formate
how to solve this problem

Answers (7)