Ramco Ramco

Ramco Ramco

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Inner select count(*) is not returning any data.

Dec 18 2021 9:36 AM


Inner select count(*) is not returning any data.


T1.U_VendCode,T1.U_CabNo,T1.U_VendName as "Vendor Name",Count(*),

(Select Count(*) from [tbl1] where U_APDE = 'Y'),

T1.U_CustCode as "Cust Code",T1.U_CustName as "Cust Name",T1.U_ItemCode

FROM [tbl0] T0

inner join [tbl1] T1 on T0.Docentry = T1.DocEntry

where NOT(T1.U_APDE = 'N' AND T1.U_ARDE = 'N') and (T1.U_ItemCode is not null) and (T0.U_DATE BETWEEN '2021-03-01' and '2021-03-31' )

and T1.U_CustCode = 'SS'

group by T1.U_VendCode,T1.U_CabNo,T1.U_VendName,T1.U_Custcode,T1.U_Custname,T1.U_APDE,T1.U_ARDE,T1.U_ItemCode


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