Amudhan Kuppan

Amudhan Kuppan

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Inner joins in sql

May 8 2018 7:36 AM
i have one doubt please help me
create table Patient(
ID int not null primary key,
FirstName varchar(30),
LastName varchar(30),
DateOfBirth datetime
Create table Insurance(
ID int not null Primary key,
InsuranceName varchar(50),
Create table PatientInsurance(
PatientID int not null,
InsuranceID int not null,
Foreign Key(PatientID) References patient(ID),
Foreign Key(InsuranceID) References Insurance(ID)
there are three tables in my db and this is a table structure
iam insert a five record for each table ok
my question is : How to get a list of all patients having insurancename  and patient does not have any insurance 
how to prepare a script for this question please help me anyone

Answers (6)